平成25年度文部科学省「大学等シーズ・ニーズ創出強化支援事業(イノベーション対話促進プログラム)」採択課題において、SDGs推進研究大学である岡山大学が取り組んでいるイノベーション促進のための3つの対話コアである「①光技術と生命科学融合、②産官学連携強化、③未来志向型異分野ネットワーク構築」について紹介。さらに事業後も「地域中核・特色ある研究大学:岡山大学」からの未来を拓く教育研究・社会貢献活動などについて随時ご紹介。 since2013~2025, "All rights reserved" , OKAYAMA University, JAPAN.
【offer information】Okayama University held the “SiEED Conference 2019” to provide an opportunity to hold discussions with globally competent innovators
Okayama University and STRIPE INTERNATIONAL INC. have started to
offer the SiEED program from the beginning of April in this academic
year, which was designed to provide its students with opportunities to
learn entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship. The program also aimed to
establish in Okayama a new learning forum and venue for nurturing human
resources required to develop initiatives to shape the future. Before
starting the SiEED program, the SiEED Conference 2019 was held on April
6, 2019 at the Okayama University 50th Anniversary Hall. The conference
aimed to unveil the vision and concept of the SiEED program by exploring
a new Zeitgeist (spirit of the times) through a free discussion with
the audience involving global innovators whom play an active role in
various fields.
In his opening speech, Okayama University President MAKINO Hirofumi
emphasized the importance of developing people who could make the world a
better place, based on his abundant experiences in education, research,
and social contribution fields.
The conference comprised of three parts: First, Mr. Phil Libin, the
ex-CEO of Evernote Corporation and a CEO and co-founder at All Turtles
Corporation, gave a lecture on the theme “The current situation of
start-ups in Silicon Valley.” Second, Ms. FUKUHARA Shiho, a Bio artist,
and Ms. KUSAMOTO Tomoko, Representative Director of Hakuba International
School Foundation, had a discussion on the theme “New Challenge to
Widen the Span of Our Thinking.” Lastly, Mr. ISHIKAWA Yasuharu,
President, CEO and Representative Director of STRIPE INTERNATIONAL INC.,
who is an alumnus of Okayama University, talked on the theme “What is
the SiEED Program?” providing the background that led to the creation of
the program. While introducing his activities as an entrepreneur, he
expressed his aspiration for the new program. At the closing, Mr.
YAMASAHITA Tetsuya , the program director, explained about the lectures
to be offered in the SiEED program, calling for the participation of
many people with various concepts of values.
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