平成25年度文部科学省「大学等シーズ・ニーズ創出強化支援事業(イノベーション対話促進プログラム)」採択課題において、SDGs推進研究大学である岡山大学が取り組んでいるイノベーション促進のための3つの対話コアである「①光技術と生命科学融合、②産官学連携強化、③未来志向型異分野ネットワーク構築」について紹介。さらに事業後も「地域中核・特色ある研究大学:岡山大学」からの未来を拓く教育研究・社会貢献活動などについて随時ご紹介。 since2013~2025, "All rights reserved" , OKAYAMA University, JAPAN.
【offer information】The First International Symposium for Intercellular Communication and Extracellular Vesicles (ICEV-1) was held at Okayama University
On November 21st and 22nd, The 1st (First) International Symposium
for Intercellular Communication and Extracellular Vesicles (ICEV-1) was
held at Okayama University.
This international symposium focused on “extracellular vesicles” such as
exosomes, whose importance had been rapidly unveiled in recent years.
Researchers at Okayama University held this symposium under a specific
aim to develop “elucidation and medical application of extracellular
vesicle-mediated biomedical network” driven by a vision “to implement a
number of large projects to elucidate intercellular communication
networks and to build up a world-class research core” that lead the
university and the world.
In total, over 100 people participated in the symposium. Eight keynote lectures were given.
Dr. SHEN Tang-Long from International Taiwan University gave a lecture
on “how glycosylated exosomes facilitate the pre-metastatic niches in
specific organs in cancer.”
Dr. TAKEI Kohji at Okayama University lectured on “a novel mode of action of dynamin in membrane traffic.”
Dr. SHIBA Kiyotaka from Cancer Institute introduced their efforts to
maximize “the diagnostic information of oral fluid by focusing on
certain types of extracellular vesicles.”
Dr. EGUCHI Takanori at Okayama University gave a talk on “how oncogenic
extracellular vesicles (oncosomes) facilitate tumor progression and drug
resistance”, using three-dimensional tumoroid models.
Dr. YOSHIKO Yuji from Hiroshima University gave a lecture on “Bone
matrix acting as a reservoir of microRNA” to prevent bone dissolution.
Dr. EKUNI Daisuke at Okayama University talked on “salivary microRNAs
for potential diagnostic tools in chronic periodontitis and
pancreatobiliary tract cancer.”
Dr. KOSAKA Nobuyoshi from Tokyo Medical University talked on
“extracellular vesicles released from cancer cells are the target for
novel anti-cancer therapy.
Dr. YOSHIDA Kaya from Tokushima University gave a talk on “how
periodontal P. gingivalis infection causes hyperglycemia and pneumonia,
mediated by extracellular vesicles.”
Two more speeches and 14 poster presentations were given followed by
brisk discussions and active exchanges at the social gathering as well.
Aiming at “fostering next-generation research” leading the university
and the world, a poster presentation competition was held among early
carrier researchers and students. The Young Investigator Awards were
awarded to Dr. KAWAI Hotaka and two graduate students, Ms. LI Chunning
and Ms. TAHA Ahmed Eman, at Okayama University Graduate School.
Prior to this symposium, Okayama University was selected as one of the
research universities driven by“the program for promoting the
enhancement of research universities.” Then, Okayama University has
specified the project “BioMedical Network of Extracellular Vesicles” as a
“Priority Research Area” at the University since 2018 and chosen the
ICEV project “Elucidation and Medical Application of Extracellular
Vesicle-mediated BioMedical Network” as a “Next Generation Research
Development Group” in 2019.
◯ Priority Research Area and Next Generation Research Development Group
Since 2018, Okayama University has designated the research areas that
represent the potential strengths of the University as “Priority
Research Areas” and has provided priority support. In addition, in order
to nurture large-scale research projects in the “priority research
areas”, highly potential research groups have been identified and
strengthened as “Next Generation Research Development Groups” to promote
project formation.
Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Department of Dental Pharmacology. Professor Kuniaki Okamoto
ICEV secretariat: Chiharu Sogawa
ICEV-1 organizer: Takanori Eguchi
e-mail: icev.officem◎gmail.com
※Replace ◎ with @.
Phone number: 086-235-6661 https://sites.google.com/view/icev
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