The award of this prize, which is considered the highest honor among researchers of agriculture in Japan, is a tremendous validation of his achievements in the “study of mechanism of mineral transport in crop plants.” When he was named as a winner of the prize, Professor Ma said: “I’m very pleased that the AJASS has given me credit for my steady efforts. This award will encourage me to continue to make my utmost efforts.”
平成25年度文部科学省「大学等シーズ・ニーズ創出強化支援事業(イノベーション対話促進プログラム)」採択課題において、SDGs推進研究大学である岡山大学が取り組んでいるイノベーション促進のための3つの対話コアである「①光技術と生命科学融合、②産官学連携強化、③未来志向型異分野ネットワーク構築」について紹介。さらに事業後も「地域中核・特色ある研究大学:岡山大学」からの未来を拓く教育研究・社会貢献活動などについて随時ご紹介。 since2013~2025, "All rights reserved" , OKAYAMA University, JAPAN.
【offer information】Professor Jian Feng Ma Receives the AY2019 Japan Prize of Agricultural Science
The award of this prize, which is considered the highest honor among researchers of agriculture in Japan, is a tremendous validation of his achievements in the “study of mechanism of mineral transport in crop plants.” When he was named as a winner of the prize, Professor Ma said: “I’m very pleased that the AJASS has given me credit for my steady efforts. This award will encourage me to continue to make my utmost efforts.”
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